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How your company brand affects your sales and 5 simple tips to get it right

Updated: Apr 28, 2019

The word "brand" comes from the Old English verb, "to burn" which later evolved into a noun meaning, "a mark of ownership made by branding".

Looking at this derivation it's easy to see how branding has come to be associated with marketing. Over the years however, branding has become more complicated and intangible, with definitions such as, the "emotional aftertaste" (Ze Frank), and "the essence of one's own unique story" (Paul Biederman - reDesign).

To simplify it, branding can be categorised into two areas:

  1. Visual symbols I.e. your logo, font, company colours and the images you use on your marketing materials.

  2. The emotional connection I.e. how you are perceived, and how engaged your customers are with your products, services and the business in general.

So, why is branding important?

Whether you are a one-man band, a small business, or a FTSE 100 company, branding plays important part in your overall strategy and should not be skimped or neglected.

A good, well-thought-out brand and strategy will:

  • Confirm to the world that you exist and are here to stay

  • Demonstrate a professional image with the promise of quality

  • Connect with your customers and employees on an emotional level

  • Motivate customers to buy

  • Keep your customers coming back for more, and your employees engaged

  • Deliver your message in a clear and concise way

  • Form the basis of your marketing strategy


To get the most from your brand take a look at it with a fresh pair of eyes and ask yourself the following questions:

Does my brand...

  1. Stand out from competitors?

  2. Reflect the company and what you stand for?

  3. Look modern and up-to-date? (colours and type-font can go out of fashion and can look dated)

  4. Communicate simply and easily what you offer?

  5. Relate to customers on an emotional level?

If the answer is "no" to any of these questions, it might be time to look at your branding and think of bringing it up-to-date.

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